To be successful in getting a handle on your finances, you must have a budget. A budget is simply a spending plan. It starts with knowing where all your money is spent. I suggested in an earlier post that in order to track your spending, a small notebook is a good option to record … [Read more...]
Do You Struggle With Housecleaning Tasks?
A Clean House We all want a clean house, but it is so much work! I used to be so good at keeping things tidy and clean, including making my beds every morning. The older I get, the less this happens. Not sure if it's my age ( :-) ) or other things taking priority. (This post may … [Read more...]
What Is The Best Ever Excursion In Skagway?
Dog Sledding Adventure! We did a Dog Sledding adventure! We've done a lot of wonderful Disney Cruise Excursions, but this is my most favorite. I promised earlier to post about the "super fantastic best-excursion-ever in Skagway" and this is it! It is a sled dog … [Read more...]
How To Declutter Your House or Our House Flooded!
Unintentional Decluttering Decluttering is all the rage right now It gives you a sense of accomplishment to do a bit of spring cleaning by decluttering your home. Well - we had some unplanned decluttering... In January we went on a 10-day vacation where no one was in our home … [Read more...]
Best Things To Do In Ketchikan – Salmon Capital Of The World
Ketchikan Ketchikan is the "Salmon Capital of the World." And you will see that influence in the restaurants, excursions, and shops. Their economy is—and always has been—centered on fishing. The waters surrounding the town are filled with 5 types of salmon: king, red, silver, … [Read more...]
Exciting Things to do in Juneau, Alaska
The Port City Of Juneau Quick Juneau fun facts: it is the only U.S. state capital not accessible by roads! Residents have to travel by plane or boat It is the only U.S. state capital located on an international border The city is larger in area than any other U.S. state capital – it is … [Read more...]