You love your pets and want a healthy and happy dog! Learn how to keep them healthy.
Keep your dog’s environment safe
You know there are many airborne chemicals in your home and yard. Air fresheners, cleaning products, cosmetics, and perfumes all contain chemicals your dog will breathe in. Your pet only needs oxygen, and chemicals cause its immune system to try to fight it off.
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Our Yorkie goes into sneezing fits if he is anywhere around hair spray. Other items that can cause respiratory issues are perfumes, air fresheners, carpet cleaners, powders, bleach, and clothes detergent.
Your yard can also contain toxins such as pesticides like weed killers, fertilizers, and pest control. Your dog may pick up chemicals on his feet and then ingest them. Give a look at organic options and follow all manufacturer’s directions for applications.
Of course, smoking is bad for all of us, including our pets. This includes vaping.
If your dog’s bed is washable, be careful with detergent and softeners, but do keep their beds, blankets, and toys clean.

Don’t use mothballs inside or outside your home – they are toxic to dogs. Something else unsafe for your dogs is dryer sheets. There are chemicals on them that will harm them.
Keep trash inside and outside secured. Dogs love anything that smells bad. In the garbage, they could get items that are toxic or that they cannot digest.
How To Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy. Take care of your dog's physical surroundings, and emotional needs, and dog-proof your home. #Pets #Dogs #HealthyDogs #SafePets #HappyDogs Share on XDog-proof your home
Our Labs sometimes tear up their toys, leaving bits and pieces of plastic and other materials slung around. It is dangerous to leave the pieces because any of the dogs (and human kids) could eat them.

Be sure human toys are put in containers that are dog-proof. Legos and puzzle pieces are dangerous, so keep them out of your dog’s reach.
In your bedrooms or dressing areas, be sure to keep the floor free of earrings and small objects like kid’s toys and action figures.
Be careful of clothes left on the floor. We used to have a dog that liked to eat our daughter’s socks. She was a large dog and if she swallowed the sock, she was able to pass it. We were lucky because it could have been stuck in their digestive tract. If your pet eats some clothing, contact your vet as soon as possible.
If you have a fireplace, use a fireplace screen to prevent accidental burns, fires, or damage to dog toys and bedding.
Make sure any plants you have are safe for dogs and keep them out of reach. Keep all medicines in their containers and high up, away from curious paws.
Physical Habits
Don’t overfeed your dog. So many dogs today are obese, and it causes many health problems such as joint issues, heart disease, and other health issues. It also keeps them from being active. Follow your veterinarian’s recommendations so they are well-fed but not overfed. It is difficult for me to not give them extra or too many treats – but it is so important. If you have a dog that gobbles up its food, as we do, get a puzzle feeder. They work!
Brush your dog’s teeth regularly. Start when they are pups if you can, so they are used to the idea. Use toothpaste made for dogs. Along with doing the brushing, you may want/need professional teeth cleaning from your vet. We had our Yorkie’s teeth cleaned about a year ago and it made a world of difference on his breath and overall health.
Walk your dog – it’s good for you and them. Play with them as often as you can. Not only helps them physically but also mentally. Also, if your dog can ride in your car (properly harnessed), it can give them mental stimulation. Our Yorkie loves to go for a ride! He goes with me every time I go for Walmart grocery pickup.
In the summer months, be sure they have adequate fresh water. Dogs don’t sweat like humans, instead, they release heat through their paw pads and by panting. Never ever leave your dog alone in a car.

If you live in a cold climate, protect your dog’s paws from ice and salt. Do not leave them outside. If you get chilled, they probably are also. You also might consider getting your dog a sweater for weather protection.
Keep your pet well-groomed and bathed. Have their nails trimmed regularly. This is something you can learn to do yourself, but the nervous person I am, I have them done at the groomer or vet.
See The Best Pet SuppliesFinal Thoughts
Find a veterinarian you trust and also that loves what they do. Take them to the vet for regular checkups and immunizations. Use your vet’s recommended flea, tick, and heartworm medication.
Be sure your dog has proper identification on its collar or have them microchipped.
Dogs need physical attention so spend quality time with them! Be patient with them and give them lots of “Dog Mom” love.
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