We Are Dog Lovers!
Almost a year ago now, we lost one of our beloved Labrador’s. He was MY baby! Then a few months later, his sister also passed away. They were 12 years old and had been a part of our family since they were 8 weeks old.

We now have 2 rowdy puppies (brother and sister) from the same lineage as our first ones.

I still terribly miss the ones we lost – guess I always will. The new pups have different personalities and I look forward to them growing up with us. We also have a Biewer Yorkie that is spoiled rotten!
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Does Your Dog Love You?
My late beloved Zeus loved me, of that I am certain. When we got the brother and sister, Zeus became MY dog from the beginning, the female, Venus became my husband’s. It was funny, the dogs picked us – not the other way around.
How do I know Zeus loved me? Read on…
13 Signs Your Dog Loves You
- He went everywhere I went, even to the bathroom. When my kids were little, they never wanted to talk unless I was in the bathroom. Then it became the dogs that would not leave me to the bathroom alone!
- When I got home, he was waiting at the door and jumped up and down when he saw me. Tail wagging, hitting everything in sight.
- He knew my emotions and reacted to them. When my Daddy passed away, I was devastated. Zeus and Venus would both stay by my side and even looked sad themselves.
- Does your dog nose nudge you? Mine would sit right next to my chair and nudge me until I did what he wanted which might have just been petting him.
- He was jealous of me. Even with my husband. We used to tease him and hug in front of him just so he would try to get between us.
- I’m not crazy about dog licking, but all our dogs are lickers! It’s gross but it’s their way of showing affection. I let them lick but only for a while 🙂
- Doesn’t sound like love, but when he was small, Zeus would jump up on me. I will always believe it was a love jump, not just that he was rowdy.
- When the dogs roll over on their back and beg for belly rubs, that is also a show of affection.
- One thing I really miss is that he would lean on me and want to be petted, or just wanted to be touching me.
- The dogs smile at us! Yes, it is a smile. True love!
- They liked to sleep with us until they were so big that we ran out of room. They would take up more than their share, root around, and let out a long sigh. Just like a baby 🙂
- My dogs love me because they vet anyone that comes into our house. If the dogs don’t like you, I probably won’t either.
- Zeus would literally gaze in my eyes. Eye contact is a sign your dog loves you. And I really think he understood things when I talked to him.Eye contact with your dog is a sign of love and bonding. #Dog #DogLove Share on X
How To Make The Bond Stronger With Your Dog
- Feed your dog healthy foods and spend eating time as a bonding opportunity.
- Create a playtime activity. Play catch with a ball or throw a toy. Zeus loved his play toys, especially balls and always knew where his toy was. 🙂
- Go to a training class. Both you and your pet will benefit from the training and one-on-one alone time.
- Do special things with them. All our dogs love to take rides. It is a treat for them. All you have to do is say “ride” and they head for the door.
- Pay attention to their body language. Know what they mean with their ears up or they wag their tail.
- If your dog likes cuddling or other physical contacts like brushing, show them love.
- Remain calm around and with them. This builds trust with them.
- Treat them well and they will want to be your bestie!

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