Ketchikan is the “Salmon Capital of the World.” And you will see that influence in the restaurants, excursions, and shops. Their economy is—and always has been—centered on fishing. The waters surrounding the town are filled with 5 types of salmon: king, red, silver, pink and chum—making it a destination of choice for professional and amateur fishermen the world over.
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Located on an island, Ketchikan began life as an Indian fishing camp. The name Ketchikan comes from a Tlingit phrase that means “eagle with spread-out wings,” a reference to a waterfall near town.

As you make your way around town you will see expressive totem poles, representing the cultural history and influences of the tribes of Ketchikan.

Ketchikan’s beginnings started when a salmon saltery was established in 1883. Then in 1885, 160 acres of land was purchased from local Native Americans and—a year later—the first salmon cannery was built at the mouth of the Ketchikan Creek.
Today, Ketchikan remains a treasured tourist destination where some of the world’s most awe-inspiring natural wonders share center stage with an intriguing and inspiring Native Alaskan culture.
Shopping is located near the port. The shops are filled with items of Native American tradition, jewelry and fur shops offer unique paintings, prints, sculptures, and glassware. You can also get locally canned and smoked seafood delicacies for sale.
As with other ports, there are a lot of excursions arranged by DCL. There are fishing excursions, floatplane, Jeep, canoe, and Hummer trips. You can zip line or take town touring trips. While we were there, we did 2 excursions; the Ketchikan Duck Boat tour and the Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show.
Ketchikan Duck Boat Tour
We had never done a Duck boat tour and it was so much fun! The tour lasted about an hour and a half. The first half was on land and narrated by a Ketchikan local who tells Ketchikan history and local legends. Then the vehicle drove into the harbor of the Tongass Narrows water. For the second half of the tour, your bus becomes a boat! You will pass by fishing canneries, floatplane docks, and waterfront communities. This was a good overall tour and I recommend it.
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Great American Lumberjack Show
The Great American Lumberjack show was a hoot! This is an energetic, action-packed performance where you will have a rowdy good time! The cast members of the show are some of the world’s top timber sports athletes, the same men you’ve seen competing on ESPN and The Outdoor Channel go head-to-head for bragging rights and the title. It is a show of strength and agility where the athletes compete in 12 events that utilize seven-pound axes, six-foot razor-sharp saws, tree climbing gaffs, and souped-up chainsaws. The grandstand where we watched the show is covered, heated and has cushioned seats. The show is one hour-long and is great for all ages. It is reasonably priced and worth your time and money.
See about Juneau Alaska here.
All about Disney Cruise Line here.
We are longtime Disney cruisers, having taken 15 cruises so far. We have sailed on each of the 4 Disney ships and have been to Alaska, Western Caribbean, Eastern Caribbean, Bahamas, Southern Caribbean, Canadian Coastline, and a special Mexican Mayan itinerary. If you have any questions, please contact me. I love to talk about Disney cruising!
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