Halloween Is A Time To Have Fun
Hayrides, pumpkin patches, trick or treating, a crispness in the air – Fall is a really fun time of the year. Halloween is a time for fun and costume parties! It is a time that even us “older” folks can have some fun dressing up as someone or something else.
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One year I was the Statue of Liberty – green face and all!
Another time, I won a work contest as Medusa, the Greek monster with snakes instead of hair! I bought a ton of rubber snakes and added them to a black wig. It was great!
At a great hayride and bonfire party, my husband and I went as hippies. We bought costumes, but truth be told if I had kept my old clothes…

Our daughter put together this really cute Red Riding hood costume from a previously purchased Devil cape and a blue and white dress. She handed out candy at the house and the visitors loved her look!

What To Create For This Year?
Part of the fun of parties and such is dragging your significant other along and having costumes that match.  Or have a family outing where everyone matches! I have a friend that goes to Walt Disney World Not-So-Scary Halloween party and their family of 5 go as Disney characters. One year they were 101 Dalmatians.
Many costumes can be made from things you have at home, or you can purchase them.
Get ideas for Halloween costumes for couples! #Halloween #Costumes Share on XÂ
Top 10 Halloween Costumes For Couples
I put together this list of the top 10 couple costume ideas I found on Pinterest.
Maybe this will spark ideas for you and your Halloween partner.
Deer and Camo Couples Costume Idea
This is hilarious! I think it could probably be made from things you already have.

Operation Board Game Patient and Surgeon
This is a unique costume. It might take some sewing or craft skills to make the patient, but it would certainly be a hit!

Buddy the ELF and Jovie Movie Character Couples
These are adorable! The Jovie costume is sold here, and the Elf costume here.

Tinkerbell and Peter Pan
As a huge Disney fan, I simply love this! You could probably DIY these costumes, but are also available here for Tinkerbell and here for Peter Pan.

Bert and Mary Poppins
Another classic Disney couple! This could be DIY from items at home. For Mary, a high-collared white blouse, black skirt, black boots and tights, and a red bow tie. Don’t forget your hat, a giant bag, and an umbrella! For Bert, black pants, a white button-up shirt with a vest, a newsboy cap, and your trusty chimney sweep! Smudges of dirt on your faces and hands, too!

Morticia and Gomez Addams Couple Costume
I always like the Addams Family show and I think this is great. Of course, you must have a body like Morticia’s to look good 🙂
This page has details on how this DIY costume was put together. They also show how this couple’s costume ended up as a group with the full Addams Family.

Robin Hood and Maid Marian
This is a classic couple and easily recognizable. Check the original post here. The costume for Robin Hood could be put together with a few sewing skills, or you can get it here. Maid Marian is available here.

Star Trek Crew Members
As a Star Trek fan, I think this would be fun! The men’s costume can be purchased here, and the ladies’ one here.

Gaston and Belle
Another Disney classic, although they were not a couple… No one is as Halloween-ish as Gaston!
You can find Belle’s costume here and Gaston’s costume here.

Cinderella and Prince Charming
What better way to end the top 10 couples’ costumes than with one of the best love stories of all time? Get the Cinderella costume here. Prince Charming’s costume can be found here.

These 10 couples’ costumes are all great pairs! Included are links to most of them on Amazon for purchase, however, if you have sewing or crafting skills, many of them could be created and you would save a lot of money.
I hope you get some ideas for yourself and your partner!
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