At the time I write this, we are under a shelter in place situation because of the global Covid-19 pandemic. My husband and I are both working from home and staying occupied nights and weekends at home. We are empty-nesters and really miss seeing our children and grandchildren. So, we are binge-watching several TV series that we haven’t had time to watch before and we are cleaning the house! Of course, I have other things on the honey-do list!
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Are you finding yourself looking for things to keep you busy? Here’s a bunch of things you can do to stay busy and sane:
- Read a book. It can be a physical book, a Kindle, or listen to one with Audiobooks.
- Put a puzzle together. Then you could frame and display it 😊
- Exercise. You can find many exercises online for any health situation.
- Play a game on your phone. There are a lot of word games and trivia games.
- Cooking and baking. This is a perfect opportunity to bake homemade cookies and bread.
- Color. Get an adult coloring book and coloring pencils from Amazon. This is a calming activity. You can also download and print adult coloring pages.
- Start a yarn hobby. Crochet, knitting, macramé or cross-stitch. Order a book of instructions or learn online.
- Learn a new language. There are apps like Duolingo and software like Rosetta Stone. Search using Google or your search engine of choice to find free or low-cost online classes.
- Create a photo book. Finally, organize your digital pictures into photo books. There are many companies to pick from. My favorite is Shutterfly but I have also used Snapfish and Walmart. Search online for coupons.
- Binge watch a series you have wanted to see.
- Watch a series of movies, like all the Harry Potter movies, Star Wars or Pirates of the Caribbean.
- Use Skype, Google Duo, FaceTime or other video calling to see your kids, grandkids or other family members you can’t gather with.
- Clean out your kitchen or bathroom cabinets.
- Do some of the honey-do list items like paint touchup or clean the garage.
- Have a spa day including a bubble bath.
- Play board games. We all have several – check the hall closet.
- Write or update your will or power of attorney.
- Wash your car. Detail clean the inside.
- Have a Lego championship. This is for all ages.
- Pull out the paraffin wax machine and soften up your sanitized hands.
- Since you can’t eat at a restaurant, plan a special dinner including candles and cloth napkins.
- Declutter and spring clean your house.
- Declutter your computer files. For me, this could take a long time!
- Learn some yoga techniques.
- Deep clean your refrigerator.
- Wash all the bedding in your home and be ready when you can have house guests again.
- Pull out your sewing machine and make something. A lot of my friends and family are making facemasks for hospitals and first responders.
- Do some scrapbooking. You can get a kit like this or use supplies you may already have.
- Start journaling. Regular writing makes you feel good and allows you to relive events without stress.
- Learn some new recipes. Use Walmart (or other grocery stores) pickup or delivery service.
- Use a local restaurant take-out service and extra tip the person bringing it to your car.
- Handwrite letters to other homebound friends or family.
- Use the fine china. If you are like us, our china never leaves the china cabinet.
- Rearrange your furniture. Move things around that you have been thinking about doing anyway.
- Make the YouTube video you have been planning to do.
- Spend extra cuddling time with your pets.
- Go outside and work in your yard.
- Take an afternoon nap. This is one of my favorites!
- Organize your pantry and throw away any expired items.
- Learn how to make origami figures. There are a lot of online instructions.
- Start a bible study. There are a bunch of free studies online.
- Learn to play chess.
- Do crossword puzzles or Sudoku. You can find many levels online.
- Start a blog. Get a how-to book or research online.
- Work on (or create) your household budget.
- Take a walk – remember social distancing.
- Make a list of things you are grateful for.
- Update your resume. Even if you are not looking for a job it’s good to have your resume up to date.
- Plan the next vacation that you can take after quarantine.
- Make a meal plan. This will make meals easier and lets you plan to use items in your pantry.

These ideas are not just while we are quarantined, they are good anytime you want to be busy doing something new.
All good ideas. Detailing the car and decluttering are what I seem to gravitate to most of the times. Not a hoarder but I seem to store more than I should.
Thanks for the comment! Stay well!
This is a great list! There’s a lot of ideas I didn’t even think of. My car definitely needs washing.
Thank you Michelle! I had fun creating the list. My car needs a lot of cleaning too! Appreciate your comment.
Can’t wait till this is all over to see family!
Certainly agree!
I have been planning ways to organize my new pantry when we get moved into our new house. It has given me a sense of organization even in the hot mess of the renovation. Now I know exactly what I want to do and get when we are ready to load up the pantry!
Great ideas in this article! Especially love the handwritten letters idea!
Thank you for visiting and the comments! You need to post pictures of the renovation 🙂