Do you sometimes feel unhappy? Occasionally feeling down in the dumps is completely normal. Some things that affect our feeling of well-being are out of our control, but thankfully we do have some control over how we feel.
We are in our 9th week of working from home and staying away from others to comply with the U.S. National Emergency for Covid-19. I am loving the work from home time (and very thankful I can work from home), but not leaving the house except for occasional curbside food pickup can be a bit stressful. I miss my kids and grandkids.
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It would be easy to be unhappy with this social distancing situation. But instead, I can avoid being in a funk by making a conscious decision to be happy! Follow some of my ideas below to make your days a bit happier.

Ways To Be Happy
- Get a good night’s sleep every night. Most of us need 8 or 9 hours of sleep but get less.
- Make a gratitude list every day. It does not have to be a huge list but write down things that are positive in your life. A gratitude list helps people with anxiety, depression, or any struggle in life remember to never lose hope.
- Go for a walk. A 20-30-minute brisk walk gets the heart pumping and will decrease stress.
- Stay away from the news. The news is usually very depressing and includes things totally out of your control. Focus instead on good things in your life.
- Pet your dog or cat. If you are fortunate to have pets, spend some quality time with them. I know our dogs can lower blood pressure!
- Spend some time exercising. Exercise can reduce stress, depression, and anxiety.
- Forgive yourself. Most of us carry around past failures and trauma. This is very hard to do, but leaving things in the past will make today much brighter.
- Forgive others. When others have wronged you, it leaves a burden on you, robbing your happiness. You don’t have to pretend the wrong didn’t happen, but you do need to let go of the pain and anger.
- Take a nap. This is my favorite! A 30-45-minute nap can revive your spirit and recharge your batteries.
- Go outside. Find a quiet place outside and just enjoy the sounds of nature. Fresh air can give you a new outlook on life.

- Drink a lot of water. Dehydration causes a loss of focus and fatigue.
- Say “Please” and “Thank you”. These simple manners will make you feel more positive and make others happier too.
- Surround yourself with positive people.
- Listen to music that makes you happy. has countless music in every genre.
- Watch a movie that makes you happy. We all have a go-to flick that puts us in a good mood.
- Treat yourself. This does not mean to go to Amazon and order everything on your wish list. It could be as simple as an ice-cream treat.
- Do something nice for someone else and don’t expect something in return.
- Spend quality time with your family. Really listen to them.
- Eat some real food. More veggies, fruit, and protein and less sugar.
- Learn Yoga. It is not only good for you physically but is also good for your mind.

- Practice your faith through prayer and studies.
- Don’t gossip or participate in gossip.
- Help someone else. One of the easiest ways to get out of a funk is to do something kind for someone else.
- Make plans for something you are looking forward to. It’s free to browse the internet for travel destinations on your bucket list.
- Think positive. We all have something to be grateful for. Focus on that and take steps to be positive about it.
- Stay away from social media and emails for a while.
- Don’t procrastinate. Often there is more stress from putting something off than actually doing it.
- Say I Love You every day to someone special in your life. It will make both of you happy!
- Don’t compare yourself to others. Keep in mind your accomplishments and positive things in your life.
- Learn something new. There are many things to learn free online or buy a book. Learn a craft, a new language, or a new hobby,
- Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know something. It is OK to ask questions. Always be learning.
- Declutter your desk, computer, or a room in your home. This can be very cathartic.
- Learn deep breathing techniques.
- Be passionate about whatever you are doing. Don’t always expect to be doing the most glamorous task, just do your task with pride.
- Understand that bad things happen and make you unhappy. You just need to learn to deal with the unhappiness in a constructive way.
Use these tips to take control of your mood and have a better, happier day!
Do you sometimes feel unhappy? Occasionally feeling down in the dumps is completely normal. Some things that affect our feeling of well-being are out of our control, but thankfully we do have some control over how we feel. #Happiness Share on X
Dearest Janet, this is yet another incredible post from you! I absolutely love your heart, and the way your mind works. Isn’t it amazing how simply changing our mindset can change how we feel 90% of the time? Gratitude and realizing what we can do and what we do have helps us maintain a sense of normalcy in a time that’s anything but normal.
I am incredibly grateful to hear you have been able to work from home during this time. What a blessing that is! It does my heart good to know you are safe, and were able to keep your job. Hallelujah! How are things going now? Are you still working from home?
Hah! Great minds think alike, my friend. It’s funny, because “#9 – take a nap,” was one of the very first to catch my eye. You mentioned it being your favorite. I’ll be honest, near miracles have been worked simply by getting a little rest. Isn’t it amazing how different the same situation can look after we close our eyes for a bit?
#23 – “Help someone else.” — Amen! On some of my toughest days, I found that loving on and encouraging someone else, in turn, lifted my spirits and encouraged me. God is GOOD! 😊 His way works!
#27 – “Don’t procrastinate.” I’m shaking my head in definite agreement. Feeling overwhelmed in any sense is terrible for our mental health. When we feel rushed, we don’t tend to be in a very healthy frame of mind. Procrastination robs us of so much enjoyment!
Every single one of these tips are fantastic, Janet. I just love you to pieces and your heart for others. What a joy and inspiration you are. THANK YOU for all you do and for who you are. I’m blessed to ‘know you’ through this online world. You’re a priceless gem! 🌺 My love and many hugs are headed right to you…
Holly, Thank you for reading and commenting 🙂 You are so sweet and kind. It is amazing that we have become great friends when so much online today is mean and sad. You are a blessing to me and I love getting a notification when you have a new post! Love and hugs back to you 🙂 Janet
Thanks for this, there are a lot of great ideas here! Music, time outside, exercise, and learning something new are all things that make me happy!
Thank you Clarissa for reading and commenting! During this current social situation, it would be so easy to be sad so we have to work at being happy 🙂 Hugs to you! Janet
Going outside always make us feel better! And we love being around positive people. The energy is contagious! 🙂